Additive manufacturing is an up-and-coming technology helping to fulfill customers’ desires to make one or another copy of an original sculpture. Using 3D scanning and 3D printing technology, we can reproduce sculptures with exceptional accuracy and maximum authenticity.

Today we are sharing the project of the Historical Presidency of the Republic of Lithuania in Kaunas. In the courtyard of this presidency, there are sculptures of three interwar Lithuanian presidents – Antanas Smetona, Aleksandras Stulginskis, and Kazys Grinius. Using advanced 3D scanning technology, we managed to make highly detailed 3D scans of all three sculptures. For this purpose, we have used an ultra-fast and mobile “Artec Leo” 3D scanner, which allows us to capture environmental objects with an accuracy of up to 0.1 mm.

Scanned 3D models have been scaled to a height of 65 cm and printed on large-scale FDM technology-based 3D printers „Modix BIG-60“. Since the scaled copies of the sculptures are intended for a special exposition of the museum, during which people of vision impaired can touch and thus “see” sculptures, we had to choose strong and durable plastic. For this reason, a strong PETG material was used.

3D printed sculptures were post-processed and painted using special technology. This ensured that the sculptures would look identical to the originals. The production of these sculptures using 3D technologies allowed us to realize the customer’s needs especially quickly and accurately.

Photos from the Facebook account of the Historical Presidency of the Republic of Lithuania in Kaunas and our archive.

3D printing technology: FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling)

3D printing material: PETG

Height (mm): 650.00