Working in the 3D technology sector never ceases to amaze. One day we recreate the lost parts of the retro car, the other we print a huge architectural layout, and on the third day, the famous basketball players – brothers Lavrinovic, also known as LawTwins – come to 3D scanning.

Every person is unique – features, finest wrinkles, smile or posture are unique. It would be hard to even imagine how such a uniqueness should be perpetuated … if there were no 3D scanning! With the help of Artec 3D scanners, we scanned both of our country’s players in just one hour.

Digital basketball players 3D models will be sent to top-level Chinese wax masters who will produce sculptures of original tall basketball players. These sculptures intend to travel around the world and fulfill Lavirinovic’s promise to conquer Hollywood. Already this autumn it is planned to start the journey in one of the biggest shopping centers in Shanghai. It is estimated that about 5 million Shanghai and all Chinese residents and country guests will take selfies here with these figures.

Human body 3D scanning is a great way to quickly and accurately create a human 3D model. “Artec Eva” 3D scanner ensures accuracy up to 0.1 mm. We are happy to contribute to this impressive project by creating highly accurate 3D models of the most famous national basketball players.